Painting Services and More!
Serving Stillwater and Lake Elmo, Minnesota and More!
Quality Exterior Painting Services
We have over twenty years of professional house painting and have been providing exterior painting for clients near Stillwater, Woodbury, and Saint Paul in Minnesota.
Preparation for exterior painting:
- All exterior areas will be pressure power-washed creating a clean surface for best paint adhering.
- Drop cloths will be placed in our immediate working area protecting your landscaping and turf.
- Scrape all loose paint
- We will apply caulk to all cracks and fill holes where moisture can get into your house
- Replace any loose or missing nails ensuring a long lasting exterior painting job
Homes with layers of lead paint
Some homes with many layers of paint will require paint stripper, this will assist us to get to the bare wood.
After the scraping and repairs are complete we will apply a primer. This will reassure a long lasting exterior painting job.
“Duration” paint by Sherwin Williams is used for most of our exterior painting jobs. Most jobs will receive two coats of paint.
Interior Painting
Providing professional indoor painting for residential and commercial properties.
Exterior Painting
Give your home a fresh coat and updated look.
Deck Staining
We will update your deck and you can kick-back and relax.
Pressure Washing
We provide deck, home, driveway, you name it pressure washing.